Bog Born is the creation of Emma, a Scottish experimental archaeologist and traditional crafter who loves nothing more than squelching about in clay, collecting leaves and vines, or experimenting with firey furnaces. She specialises in ancient, nature and folklore inspired ceramics as well as historical displays and interpretation. All made in the highland hills of Perthshire, Scotland, inspired by the tales of the land and working with nature.

My Craft...

You can wash an archaeologist of mud, but you can't truly take the mud out of the archaeologist. So here I am, moulding-mud (well, clay!). I'm making everything from whimsical modern illustrative pottery to historical replicas based on archaeological examples of ancient ceramics. Transforming mud into hard (and sometimes shiny) ceramics will always amaze and inspire me.
You'll find all manner of beasties from the landscape, and one or two from myths and tales too, on my pots. Whether you be re-enactor, museum enthusiast, forest goblin or book-worm, check out the shop section to give a piece of pottery a new home.

Earth-Fired Prehistoric Pottery
What's better than taking things back to the 'simplicity' of hand-formed earth and combining clay and bonfires to create simple, earthy, hearty ceramics, the way it was done for thousands of years in Prehistory. This deceptively complex method has been fun to discover through using my senses and plenty of trial and error with willing campfires to make everything from cooking pots and cups to urns and grave goods. A wonderful way to connect with the craft and elements as well as learn the intricacies of what may seem like a simple method, but actually involves a whole lot of skill! And the earthy pots are such a delight.

Bloomery Iron Smelting
From Prehistory until the about 15th century, iorn was made in the 'bloomery process' where iron ore and charcoal are heated together inside a ceramic furnace using bellows for several hours until a solid, bright hot lump of iron is born called a 'bloom'. It's a dying art and creates true wrought iron which is beautiful stuff to smith and forge. Bloomery smelting was my area of study for my experimental archaeology degree.

Living History
With a background in Experimental Archaeology, Emma can do displays and workshops on historical life and crafts including Bronze Age, Iron Age and Early Medieval Scotland. Get in touch for more details.

Emma does digital and traditional medium illustrations inspired by historical and archaeological subjects, as well as nature inspired and fantastical scenes. Check out her illustration focused Instagram page for more: @bogborn_illustrations